These are just a few of the many bird species that may visit our suburban UK garden, adding life and color to our small outdoor space. Providing bird feeders, baths, and natural habitats has helped us attract even more species to our garden for us both to enjoy.
We hope you enjoy them as much as we do…
In our garden, bright and fair,
A robin perched with tender care.
Its feathers, red like burning flame,
In the tree, it sang its name.
With a song so sweet and clear,
It whispered secrets in my ear.
Of days gone by and dreams untold,
In melodies of red and gold.
Oh, robin dear, with eyes so wise,
You see the world through nature's eyes.
In your song, a tale unfolds,
Of beauty in the winter cold.
Sing on, sweet robin, sing your song,
In the garden where you belong.
A symbol of hope, a sign of grace,
In this world, a sacred place.
The blue tit is a delicate little bird, weighing in at around 11g – half the size of a robin.
The blackcap is a grey warbler, easily identified by its distinctive cap. Males have black caps (as the name suggests), while the female's cap is chestnut brown. Juvenile males also have a brown cap. They have thin, dark-coloured beaks and brownish-grey wings..
Females blackbirds brown often with spots and streaks on their breasts and brown beak.
Male Blackbirds are black with a bright orange-yellow beak and yellow eye-ring..
Starlings are black in color with a metallic sheen of purples and greens. They have short tails, pointed heads, and triangular wings. In winter, they are covered in small white or beige spots, especially on the males. Young starlings are dark grey-brown...
Great spotted woodpeckers have a black cap, white cheeks with black lines underneath, a pale breast, and black upper parts. Males have a red patch on the back of their head, while females have a black nape. Juveniles have a red crown, but it's not as bright as the adult male's...
Adult goldfinches have a bright red face, black cap, black around the eyes, and a short, powerful beak. Their wings are dark with a striking yellow patch, and their breast is a light brown-grey. Juveniles have a drabber, brown-grey face....
Just a little overkill for one bird ?
Green woodpeckers have a heavy body, short tail, and long bill. They are mostly green on their upperparts, with a paler belly, bright yellow rump, and red cap. Males have a red "moustache" with a black edge, while females have an all-black "moustache".
The Wren is a tiny brown bird, it's almost round in shape with a fine bill, quite long legs and toes, very short round wings and a short, narrow tail, which is sometimes stuck up vertically. For such a small bird, it has a remarkably loud voice....
When seen close-up Magpies have black plumage revealing a purplish-blue iridescent sheen to the wing feathers and a green gloss to the tail. Magpies seem to be jacks of all trades – scavengers, predators and pest-destroyers....
Greenfinches have a stout, chunky bill for crushing seeds. Males have a grey-green head and greenish body, while females are a duller brown across both their upper and lower parts
Eurasian Jay has pinkish brown plumage with a black stripe on each side of a whitish throat, a bright blue panel on the upper wing and a black tail.
The Dunnock is a small brown and grey bird. Quiet and shy, it's often seen on its own, creeping along the edge of a flower bed or near to a bush, moving in a rather nervous, shuffling way, often flicking its wings as it goes
The collared dove is buff-coloured with darker grey wingtips, a black half-collar, and paler patches at the shoulders and at the end of the tail.
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a medium-sized, adaptable carnivore with a distinctive appearance