These are just a few of the many bird species that may visit our suburban UK garden, adding life and color to our small outdoor space. Providing bird feeders, baths, and natural habitats has helped us attract even more species to our garden for us both to enjoy.

We hope you enjoy them as much as we do…

bright-red breast, the robin is immediately recognisable. It has a brown back and white belly, with the orange-red breast stretching up to its throat and face. Juvenile robins are brown all over with mottled golden flecks

In our garden, bright and fair,
A robin perched with tender care.
Its feathers, red like burning flame,
In the tree, it sang its name.

With a song so sweet and clear,
It whispered secrets in my ear.
Of days gone by and dreams untold,
In melodies of red and gold.

Oh, robin dear, with eyes so wise,
You see the world through nature's eyes.
In your song, a tale unfolds,
Of beauty in the winter cold.

Sing on, sweet robin, sing your song,
In the garden where you belong.
A symbol of hope, a sign of grace,
In this world, a sacred place.

bright-red breast, the robin is immediately recognisable. It has a brown back and white belly, with the orange-red breast stretching up to its throat and face. Juvenile robins are brown all over with mottled golden flecks
bright-red breast, the robin is immediately recognisable. It has a brown back and white belly, with the orange-red breast stretching up to its throat and face. Juvenile robins are brown all over with mottled golden flecks
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a medium-sized, adaptable carnivore with a distinctive appearance

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